AGROS, the research program in which Wageningen University & Research (WUR) and 26 private partners worked on an ‘Evolution towards sustainable AGRicultural Business Systems’ recently concluded with a final meeting. It was also announced there that the program will be continued with AGROS-II.’Modelling is not objective’Modeling and artificial intelligence (AI) have become indispensable within the [ … ]
Controlling chrysanthemum cultivation based on sensor information
In the AGROS project we are working towards an autonomous greenhouse in which cultivation is controlled remotely by intelligent algorithms based on automated measurements with sensors. After a successful validation trial in early 2023 in which cucumbers were grown autonomously, the concept was broadened to the other model crop of the project, chrysanthemum. Current challenges [ … ]
AGROS knowledge sessions
Knowledge sessions are currently being organized for the partners of AGROS to dive deeper into the knowledge developed during the project. The first sessions about Digital Twin and Computer Vision were organized in November 2023. On Tuesday, December 5, the spotlight was on the cultivation plan in an online webinar, led by Monique Bijlaard of [ … ]
AGROS validation trial confirms the feasibility of autonomous control in greenhouses
The recently completed AGROS validation trial is taking researchers another step closer to the realisation of a fully autonomous greenhouse. In the trial an Artificial Intelligence algorithm, based on Reinforcement Learning, controlled the climate in a semi-commercial greenhouse resulting in a productive cucumber crop. Another milestone was marked by the successful deployment of a Digital [ … ]
Growing cucumbers using intelligent algorithms
The public-private partnership project AGROS aims to realize an “autonomous greenhouse” in which cultivation is remotely controlled by artificial intelligence (AI). Intelligent algorithms and advanced sensors monitor key crop characteristics and support the decisions made to achieve profitable cultivation. AGROS is led by Wageningen University & Research. A fully autonomous greenhouse system “The dot on [ … ]
Invitation to the network and knowledge event AGROS: “Data and intelligence in horticulture, arable farming and dairy”
Date: Wednesday April 5, 2023 Time: 13:00 – 17:00 Venue: WUR Greenhouse Horticulture, Violierenweg 1, Bleiswijk, The Netherlands Complexity of systems in greenhouse horticulture, arable farming and dairy is increasing, and society demands sustainable production systems. Current farming systems can only meet this demand to a limited extent. The way forward involves [ … ]
AGROS project enters exciting phase: applying autonomous control in cucumber
Wageningen University & Research (WUR) business unit Greenhouse Horticulture recently planted three cucumber crops as part of the AGROS project. The cultivation of these crops is controlled in different ways: in one greenhouse operational decisions are taken by a group of crop and irrigation experts, while the other two greenhouses are controlled remotely by a [ … ]
Sensor for crop light interception
PAR (Photosynthetically Active Radiation, 400 – 700 nm) is the driving force for photosynthesis and thereby also for crop growth and production. Light interception by the crop is an important trait. In general, growers aim to maintain such a leaf area that the crop has (nearly) full light interception. In order to estimate this, they [ … ]
Model-driven greenhouse cultivation is getting shape
Being a grower is becoming an increasingly complex task, especially since cultivation areas have increased considerably over the last decade. More and more is at stake and the number of factors to take into account increases. Autonomous cultivation can then be a welcome support. Autonomous cultivation implies that an algorithm takes care of daily cultivation [ … ]
First meeting AGROS – Exchange between the three sectors
On May 31, 2022 representatives of the 3 sectors were invited to share experiences within AGROS. Some 20 participants listened to the visions that are the basis for the activities per sector. Renske Landeweert (IMEC-One Planet) kicked off with their vision on the developments in data use. IMEC-One Planet works at the forefront of chip [ … ]
Third edition of the Autonomous Greenhouse Challenge
In 2021/2022, the third edition of the Autonomous Greenhouse Challenge was organised, in which lettuce had to be grown fully automated. On July 1, the results will be presented at the International Autonomous Greenhouse Event at the business unit Greenhouse Horticulture of Wageningen University & Research in Bleiswijk, The Netherlands. Since years Wageningen University & [ … ]
Watch the new video on the development of an autonomous greenhouse in AGROS
In the AGROS project ‘Towards an autonomous greenhouse’, WUR Greenhouse Horticulture researchers are working together with business partners to realise fully automated cultivation in greenhouses. The project team explains: “We have taken steps from data collection with sensors, to data-driven support of cultivation, and the development of intelligent algorithms. Soon we hope to be able [ … ]