Before intelligent algorithms can be developed for the autonomous greenhouse, we need to look at the underlying crop physiology. We will make a list of the most important plant traits for autonomous greenhouses and will evaluate how these traits are affected by changes in the greenhouse climate. In the crop physiology theme we will investigate [ … ]
Workpackage 2: Translation of data from sensors to crop parameters and crop responses
To automate measurements and to use the plant itself as a mirror of its biological status and environment, plant characteristics will be measured by sensors. The sensors make use of optical and imaging techniques and collect data continuously. To translate raw sensor data to biologically relevant plant physiology characteristics, artificial intelligence algorithms will be developed [ … ]
Workpackage 3: Autonomous greenhouse control through (climate-plant) sensor-driven-intelligent algorithms
This theme focusses on the development of intelligent algorithms that will automate greenhouse control based on the biological relevant processes/characteristics collected with sensors and analysed with climate-crop models (theme 1 and 2). Current greenhouse control aims to provide optimal climate conditions for plant growth and development while raising resource use efficiency. In modern high-tech greenhouses [ … ]