Sensors based on infrared spectra and/or image processing will be (further) developed to collect data about the input and output of individual cows in a herd. Separate sensors for feed intake, methane emission, urine composition, and manure composition, among others, of individual cows will be developed within Synergia in a laboratory environment. These sensors will [ … ]
Workpackage 2: Decision support tools for livestock farmers
Based on the data collected by the sensors, decision support tools (= advisory service) will be developed via machine learning techniques that will support the livestock farmer with the individual management of each cow in the herd. The data from the sensors will be combined with other available information from and around the animal, such [ … ]
Workpackage 3: Improve barn design
After a sensor has been developed in lab conditions, it will be tested on a small scale in a semi-practical barn environment with a limited number of animals. If this works for all sensors, it will be scaled up to a demo including all the sensors. The data generated by these sensors will therefore lead [ … ]